3abdulla: NAWAR NAWAR
muneera: bismillaha el ra7man el ra7eem intaw min mita ihnee
3abdulla: min el sa3a 7 ela intaw laish t2a5artaw
muneera: e7m e7m mou ana hathee janoo mou rathya tgoum min el noum tikfa mara thanya inta ga3id'ha
3abdulla: 7a'6ir ma 6alabtay shay oo fee shay thany ba3ad
muneera: ee ha 3ayal fee etha ma gamat gi6 3alayha may BARID 6alabtik
3abdulla: tam
muneera: 3afya 3al sha6ir **laughing**
3abdulla: inzayn ta3alaw rikbaw dam ihna eb the same school
jana & muneera : yalla
**in the car**
muneera: 3indy fikra **evil smil**
3abdulla & fahad: SHNOU BA3AD
jana: la tara 7ilwa el fikra mou shayna
fahad: shdarach intay eb shnou muneera ga3da etfakir
jana: 3ashan e7na tina8shna el mawthoo3 bel sayara
fahad: aha inzain shnou elfikra
jana: awal shay shnou 3indkom a5ir 7i9itayn elyoum
3abdulla: 3arabi oo religion
jana: ya3ni you can skip it 9a7
3abdulla: ee inzayn yalla ebsir3a goolaw shnou ehya 5i6atkom
jana: ina you skip 3arabi oo deen
muneera: oo you come to our class social studies oo you stay at our class oo ihna ablatna 9aida ha shraykum *winks*
3abdulla: eb 9ara7a 5i6a jahanamiya
muneera: afa 3alayk
3abdulla: bas fee shay 8ala6
muneera: shnou
3abdulla:etha ba8at ta5ith attendance oo ba3dayn etha shafatna oo galat mino i7na shingoul
muneera: sahla engoolaha new students oo el abla 9AIDA
3abdulla: ana bafham intay 6al3a 3ala mino akeed mou 3ala fahad
fahad: hay tara ana hny ya3ny asma3koum
jana: ya3ni 3ala minou 8air 3alay
muneera: 9A7 ***pointing 3ala jana***
fahad: yalla nizlaw wi9alna
***they enterd the school gates***
3abdulla: yalla see you a5ir 7i9etayn
jana & muneera: ok
and they went in seperate ways
the day went by fast and now muneera and jana had social studies and 3abdulla and fahad sneeked in social studies during passing time el abla kanat lahya eb telfonha
miss.natasha: now be quite cause i want take some attandance
muneera: ra7 nil3ab ely yitkalam ehwa 7mar 9a7
the whole class was laughing
miss.natasha: what did you just say
muneera: i said we are playing the one who talks is a donkey right
miss.natasha: yes yes
jana: tyes yes e3thamich bala goolay ameen
miss.natasha: what did you just say
jana: i said that you look beautful today
miss.natasha: aww thankyou darling
jana: *wispiring* la it9adgeen rou7ich bas
jana: anytime
miss.natasha: ok pop quiz get out your pencils now
muneera *china a7ad 6ag7a 6rag*: NA3AM
3abdulla oo fahad china ahad 6ag7um box
chan muneera tfakir
muneera **arguing**: i will not take the quiz you didnt tell us
miss.natasha: thats why its called pop quiz
muneera: i know and take my paper cause im not doing it
jana: me too
miss.natasha: you will get a zero
jana and muneera: ok
then 3abdulla and fahad realized why muneera and jana didnt do the quiz so that abdulla and fahad dont do the quiz
3abdulla & fahad: also us we dont want to take the quiz
miss.natasha: and who are you
fahad: new students
miss.natasha: you know what get out of the class now and all of you have a zero
all: ok
muneera & jana: and thnx for kicking us out
miss.natasha: my pleasure
muneera: 6a3 hathy agool siktay wily e3afeech
and they got out
jana: ha shraykum eb 9aidatna
fahad: loooool walla 5ibla oo zain hal 5ibla el thaniya ma 6agt'ha **about muneera**
muneera: ee walla ba8ayt a36eeha kaf bas gilt 5al a7tirim nafsy
3abdulla: inzain taboon t6li3oon min the school imbachir
fahad,muneera & jana : eee
3abdulla: ok :D
and they all headed to the car , and drove off to..........
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